Publications around CAI tools published by the project's team.
- Fantinuoli C., Prandi B. (2021) "Towards the evaluation of simultaneous speech translation from a communicative perspective".
- Pisani E., Fantinuoli C. (2021) "Measuring the impact of automatic speech recognition on interpreter’s performances in simultaneous interpreting", In: Empirical studies of translation and interpreting: the post-structuralist apporach, Edited by Caiwen Wang and Binghan Zheng, Routledge
- Defrancq B., Fantinuoli C. (2020) "Automatic Speech Recognition in the booth: Assessment of system performance, interpreters’ performances and interactions in the context of numbers". Target , DOI 10.1075/target.19166.def.
- Prandi, B. (2020) "CAI tools in intepreter training: where are we now and where do we go from here?", inTRAlinea.
- Fantinuoli C. (2019) "The technological turn in interpreting: the challenges that lie ahead". Proceedings of the conference Übersetzen und Dolmetschen 4.0. - Neue Wege im digitalen Zeitalter, 334-354.
- Prandi, B. (2018) ‘An exploratory study on CAI tools in Simultaneous Interpreting: theoretical framework and stimulus validation’, in Fantinuoli, C. (ed.) Interpreting and technology. Berlin: Language Science Press, pp. 28–59. doi: 5281/ZENODO.1493281.
- Fantinuoli C., Prandi B. (2018) "Teaching information and communication technologies: a proposal for the interpreting classroom". Journal of Translation and Technical Communication Research, 11(2), 162-182.
- Fantinuoli C. (2018) "The use of comparable corpora in interpreting practice and teaching". The Interpreters' Newsletter 23, 133-149.
- Fantinuoli C. (2018)"Computer-assisted interpreting: challenges and future perspectives". In: Isabel Durán and Gloria Corpas (eds.), Trends in e-tools and resources for translators and interpreters. Leiden: Brill, 153-174.
- Fantinuoli C. (2017) "Speech Recognition in the Interpreter Workstation". Proceedings of the Translating and the Computer 39, 25-34.
- Prandi, B. (2017) ‘Designing a Multimethod Study on the Use of CAI Tools during Simultaneous Interpreting’, in Proceedings of the 39th Conference Translating and the Computer. Translating and the Computer, London, UK.
- Fantinuoli C. "Computer-assisted preparation in conference interpreting". In: Translation & Interpreting, Vol 9, No 2 (2017), 24-37.
- Prandi, B. (2016). ‘Analysis of the impact of CAI tools on simultaneous interpreting with a focus on cognitive processes and terminology consistency’. Poster presented at the TRA&CO Symposium, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz/Germersheim.
- Prandi, B. (2015b). ‘The Use of CAI Tools in Interpreters’ Training: A Pilot Study’, in Proceedings of the 37th Conference Translating and the Computer. Translating and the Computer, London, UK, pp. 48–57.
- Fantinuoli C. (2012) InterpretBank - Design and Implementation of a Terminology and Knowledge Management Software for Conference Interpreters. University of Mainz: PhD Dissertation.